First Ladies
First Ladies
It is my desire that every First Lady….
Lady Deborah Dennis
… “BE” WHO GOD SAID SHE “BE”! This “BE”-ing that I am referring to is, in the form of a noun which suggests WHO ONE IS. This is her as the gift of God. This is her as the one who is. This is her as the woman that God made her to “BE” to whoever is in her presence.
Who she “BE” is her as the gift from God to her husband, her children, her ministry and her crafts. Who she “BE” is evident everywhere she goes, and in everything she does. Who she “BE” is evident in her ideas, dreams, thoughts, plans, actions and reactions.
Who I “BE” is the evidence of who I “am”. If the system, the church or the people place restrictions on who the First Lady “BE”, then she cannot be all that God has made her to “BE”. Out of this restraint to “BE” comes disappointment, frustration, friction, disorder, and ultimately, disconnection.
… BE RECOGNIZED and UTILIZED: It is my desire that every First Lady be known and accepted by every audience she appears in for who she “BE”. The First Lady is more than a “showpiece” for her husband and ministry! Her beauty, glitz, style and glamour is fine, but it’s certainly the least that should be expected or required of her. The First Lady’s intelligence, astuteness and wisdom will always tie back to who she “BE”, (which is what should be identified and made known in the ministry). The danger in not recognizing or clearly identifying and utilizing who the First Lady “BE” could be disastrous to the first family and the ministry at large. She is an accompaniment to her husband in life and ministry. Without the First Lady “BE”-ing, the ministry becomes dull and faded. The birthing of new things is prolonged and once they are birthed (if birthed at all), they are stale, out-of-date, musty and decayed.
… BE GLORIFIED: This is not in the sense of being over-valued, but minimally in the sense of being openly and privately celebrated for exactly who she “BE” and is. The First Lady is God’s gift. Her “BE-ing” makes everything better at home, at work and in the ministry. 1 Corinthians 11:7b (KJV) “… but the woman is the glory of the man.”
… BE ADMIRED: The husband (Senior Leader) must always be the first partaker of this fruit. He must always promote and announce his First Lady for who she is to him as well as who she is to the ministry. His consistent public admiration and promoting of his wife and co-laborer unintentionally places a requirement that others do the same. Once this is done by the Senior Leader, it opens the eyes of the followers to now see the First Lady for who she “BE” and concurrently, the fleshly observations and conversations that have distorted the opinions of the followers are destroyed.
To function in this manner, her actions must be sincere and from the
heart. The First Lady must always pursue to be well behaved and
compliant and determined to do everything with uncontaminated hands and a
pureness of heart. The First Lady, though in a position of senior
leadership and authority, must always function in a genuine and
unpretentious spirit of meekness and amenability or cooperation.
Psalm 24: 3,4 (KJV) “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.”
We provide various teachings and training so that each First Lady becomes who God has made her to “BE” without hesitation, limitation or frustration!