
KFCM Vestment Book and Protocol

Those who answer the call to ministry have aligned themselves in agreement with God to shoulder the responsibility of church leadership. This call is not taken lightly. In KFCM, we have serious preparation and qualification processes. We are not quick to lay hands on anyone. (1 Timothy 5:22).

Our extensive process of training, interviews, background checks, and recommendations from family, congregants, the presbytery and/or Episcopacy provides legitimacy and credibility to the applicant. The applicant can take satisfaction that he or she has met the rigorous requirements.

None who chose to answer the call of ministry should take their credentials lightly. Your credentials are an indication of your professional qualification. Obtaining credentials online is an insult to you, your calling, and God. Neither doctors nor lawyers practice without a license. Your ministerial credentials provide the certification to the church and to the world that you are duly qualified to fulfill the weight of the call on your life.

Every two years, all licensed ministers and ordained deacons, elders, overseers, and Bishops are required to renew their credentials. This allows us to maintain on-going accountability. Renewals are authorized after verification that both natural and spiritual qualifications are adhered.

Click Here for Credentials